
Welcome To Our Website


Go2Guru Publishing (referred to as “we”) is committed to protecting your privacy, adhering to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) along with other privacy laws. This policy outlines how we manage your personal information across our various channels such as emails, websites, and mobile applications.
This document addresses:
  • Collection and use of personal information
  • Protection of your information
  • Access to your information
  • Opt-out options
  • Miscellaneous important details
  • Contact information
Collection and Use of Personal Information
We only gather personal information necessary for our services and interaction with you. This information is collected directly and may include your name, contact details, financial information for transactions, and other relevant data for customer support and service provision. We inform you of the purpose during collection or when it becomes evident.
Protection of Personal Information
We employ reasonable security measures to protect your information but cannot guarantee absolute security.
Access to Personal Information
You can request to view, correct, or update your personal information by reaching out as specified in the ‘Contact Us’ section.
Opt-out Options  
You have the right to modify browser settings to manage cookies, unsubscribe from promotional materials, and adjust notification preferences in mobile apps.
Activity information – cookies and other technologies.  
  • When you access and interact with us through our online services, we may collect certain information about your use of our online services. For example, in order to permit your connection to our websites, our servers receive and record information about your computer, device, and browser, including potentially your IP address, browser type, and other software or hardware information. If you access our services from a mobile or other device, we may collect a unique device identifier assigned to that device, geo-location data, or other transactional information from that device.
  • Cookies and other tracking technologies (such as browser cookies and local storage, pixel beacons, and Adobe Flash technology including cookies) are comprised of small bits of data or code that often include a de-identified or anonymous unique identifier. Websites, apps and other services send this data to your browser when you first request a web page and then store the data on your computer so that such websites, apps and other services can access information when you make subsequent requests for pages from that service. These technologies may also be used to collect and store information such as pages you have visited, content you have viewed and search queries you have run and in relation to your usage of our services and other websites you have visited.
  • Third parties that support our services by providing services, such as allowing you to share content or tracking aggregate Go2Guru Publishing services usage statistics, may also use these technologies to collect similar information. We do not control these third-party technologies and their use is governed by the privacy policies of those third parties using such technologies.
Information in relation to contractors, authors and other contributors.    
  • We will also collect personal information about you, as and when required for our general business operations, if you are employed by or contracted to us or making submissions such as manuscripts to us as an author or other contributor.
  • Some of this information may include sensitive information such as information related to racial or ethnic origin, religion or other beliefs, health, criminal background or trade union membership. Such information will only be used in compliance with applicable laws and regulations including workplace and equal opportunity laws. Other than where necessary, we ask that you do not otherwise disclose any sensitive information to us.
Other Important Information    
  • Privacy Policy Updates: Occasional updates will be posted on our website.
  • Cross-border Information Transfer: We may transfer information internationally in accordance with our business needs and as per the privacy laws.
  • Third-party Links: We are not liable for the privacy practices of third-party or co-branded sites, even if linked to our services.
  • Data Retention: Information is retained as necessary and may persist after account cancellation due to legal or operational reasons.
  • Sensitive Information: We ask you not to share sensitive information unless specifically required or requested by us.
Contact Us    
Email: nikki@go2guru.com (Please refrain from sending unsolicited emails or spam).
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